Monday, December 22, 2008

Need to update!

Wow I haven't posted in awhile! There are quite a few things going on in my life I can make an update on :-)

On October 14th, I turned 23 years old. I feel older yet still young at the same time. It reminds me of that Blink 182 song "No one likes you when you're 23, my friends say I should act my age, whats my age again?" I am becoming more of an adult but still want to have a good time. As my Japanese room mate Bibby would say, "I just want to have special moment." Wise words..

I got a new job! I was briefly working for UPS loading packages onto trucks, but still looking what seemed like in VAIN for IT jobs. Prior to that, I had worked as a Network Technician for my college. I have to work with my passion, computers. Boxes are not my passion sorry. I was offered a position at Robert Half International shortly after my birthday! Much to my surprise, they found me a job right away, a 4 week contract at the Twin Rivers Unified School District IT Department in Mclellan, Ca. I didn't really know what to expect when I went in on the first day. I thought I was going to an interview but they put me to work on the spot. After 4 weeks I learned the contract had been renewed now I have been working here for almost 3 months now with word I may be hired on as a permanent employee. This job is great for me, I get to use all the tech I know to help users throughout the school district, and I learn something new almost everyday.

I'm still going to a lot of LANS. In November I went to Oregon for the first time for PDX 12.5. I flew with my friend Cameron. We are so hardcore, we LANed on the plane. :-) Unfortunatley my battery died right away, so I was only able to get my hero to level 2 in Warcraft III. The LAN was a blast and I got to meet some cool people. One of my friends won about $2500 worth of computer hardware. I chose to drive back with some friends after the LAN, it was about an 8 hour drive from Portland, Oregon back to Davis, CA. Cameron had a power inverter, which we were able to use to charge our laptops, however mine drew too much power so we were only able to plug them in one at a time. But were able to get another game of Warcraft III in. LANS are a ton of fun and I want to keep going to as many as possible, hopefully this summer I will be able to go to Quakecon in Texas.

I am still very into video editing. The staff of a LAN I go to, Ascendancy Gaming, were impresssed by the videos I had edited and put on youtube for my Team Fortress 2 clan, and chose to "hire" me as their video editor. A few weeks ago I recorded footage for their WinterWonderLAN. I still have to finish editing the video, I regret not finishing it right away but I have been very busy at work and got several offers from IT companies to work for them. Bascially been pretty busy.

I'm really looking forward visiting my parents in Santa Cruz this Christmas, as well as some friends from high school. Going home will give me a chance to work on some of the projects I have been meaning to get done for awhile. However my parents archaic DSL connection does not help my productivity very much. >_<

I'm sad I won't be seeing my twin brother Nick this Christmas. He is attending Waseda University in Japan and won't come back to America until September. I really want to visit him, if I can save up some money. Its odd spending 22 birthdays and christmas('s?) with someone and now they are not here. : ( I'm really happy for him though it seems like he is having a good time over there.

This has been an update on Cooper's life. Cooper McKay signing off...

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